Nena Ocampo started TuCamino Travel to provide a unique women-only travel experience to Costa Rica and Mexico. In six days, you’ll surf, practice yoga, get out into nature, and give back to the community. How many vacations can you say that about? Make new friends and make a positive impact – learn more in the interview below and gather some of your favorite women to book a trip this fall!
Photos above and below TuCamino Travel
What motivated you to start TuCamino Travel?
Nena Ocampo in her element
I have been applying to tour and travel companies for years. I have a background in International Studies and have visited Costa Rica many times over the past 6 years. My father is from Mexico and I with all of these elements, I believed would enjoy working for a travel company. Turns out, either the timing wasn’t right or I was 1 of 5000 applicants. I started researching all the different companies I wanted to work for and discovered there were some aspects of travel that they were not offering, so I thought why not start my own company? I have all the tools I need, I just have to use them.
What can a woman expect to experience on one of your curated trips to Mexico or Costa Rica?
We are so excited about what is offered on our trips. For one, you really get a local experience. Of course, there are a few “touristy” things we will do such as the 3 in 1 tour in Costa Rica (Jaguar Rescue Center, Chocolate Tour, and Waterfall tour) and the Marietas Island Tour in Mexico, however, eating the rich local food, surfing at our favorite beaches, practicing yoga in the ocean or in the jungle, giving back to the local communities, and exploring nature are also key elements that make up TuCamino Travel.
Why did you choose to make the trips for women only?
I know firsthand how intimidating traveling solo as a woman can be sometimes. Or how frustrating it is to spend time searching the web trying to put together the perfect vacation itinerary. We wanted to give women a chance to experience other cultures in a tropical location with guides who know the area. We also wanted to empower women through the work that we do and encourage one another to travel and explore and create their own path.
You have added a community service element to your trips. How do you choose the organizations? What extra element(s) does that add to the experience?
Many people travel to another location, spend some time there, and leave. From experience, I know many tourists forget while they are on vacation that people actually live in the place they are escaping to for a week. Why not do something positive for the communities that we are getting to enjoy and be a part of? I think giving back also allows women on the trips to get a feel for the culture and meet active members in the communities. We have our partners listed on the webpage. I would like to do a different project on every trip based on what the need is in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica or Sayulita, Mexico.
Describe your ideal vacation in three words.
Haha, I think I knew the answer to this question before asked! You can see it on our website:
Learning. Exploring. Creating.
Manzanillo, Costa Rica (C) TuCamino Travel
Sayulita, Mexico (C) TuCamino Travel
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