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What moms don’t talk about enough: adventuring while pregnant, postpartum, and beyond. The first of a two part series on “adventuring with kids.” We talk with moms about getting outside while pregnant and shortly after – with and without kids. We learn that it’s not always easy, but the benefits can be great.
And when everything doesn’t work out? Treat yourself and the women around you with kindness. This isn’t a competition, it’s life.
Interviews with Brittany Aäe of Magnetic North and Justine Nobbe, co-founder of Adventure Mamas “Adventure Mamas.”
Featuring voice submissions from listeners: Laura Stasi, Elizabeth Bauer of Backroad Family “” and Heather Hopkins. Cameo appearance by Liz Song of Snowqueen and Scout.
Music is by Nihilore, MindsEye and Steve Combs via
Photos of “The Adventure Mamas” in action ->
Justine Nobbe (L) Co-Founder of Adventure Mamas
Brittany Aäe trail running while 9 months pregnant; Photo by Ryan Audett
Brittany Aäe’s side-by-side comparison goes viral.
Banner image and photos courtesy of Justine Nobbe
I explored, almost non-stop, when I was pregnant with my son. My daughter was almost 3. We did a lot of hiking with her. I would wear her and do long hikes with friends, and go on shorter nature walks that she could do herself. I was afraid that it would be a while before I could hike again, after the baby came, so I went out almost obsessively with her. I also went to Spain at 5 months pregnant, for a week, and then spent 3 weeks in Tokyo at almost 7 months pregnant. I walked an average of 8 miles every day in Tokyo, but there were days where it was much more, like 14 or 15 miles.
We hiked a few times after my son was born, but he hates being in carriers of any kind, so we did more playing in creeks, than hiking.We have also taken the kids camping…that was kind of a nightmare, but we are going to try it out again, when it is hopefully not so hot. I injured my knee really bad, so we haven’t hiked this summer, it actually makes me feel like a bad mom sometimes, but hopefully it will be fixed soon and we can get back out on the trail.